• Batavia Township Ohio
    Clermont County OH


    A Great Place to Raise a Family & Grow Your Business

  • Batavia Township Ohio
    Clermont County OH


    A Great Place to Raise a Family & Grow Your Business

  • Batavia Township Ohio
    Clermont County OH


    A Great Place to Raise a Family & Grow Your Business


Reseve a Township Shelter.


Meeting Dates, Programs & Events.


All the Township Forms in One Place.


Find Batavia Township Here.

Changes to Recycling Services

Republic Services has made service changes in the area with recycling services. Unfortunately, this information was not properly communicated to the Batavia Township Residents. The link below goes to information on the current routes and when recycling is going to be picked up. Your week may have switched, so please check the maps below to verify. To find your service, find your day of pick up under the Even Weeks or Odd Weeks.


2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt

The 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 19th from 9 to 11:00 am. We have ordered 3X the amount of eggs from last year due to the overwhelming attendance last year.....which was AWESOME. We are looking forward to another great event here at the Batavia Township Community Center, 1535 Clough Pike.


Parks & Events Survey

Batavia Residents – We want to hear from you regarding the Batavia Township Parks. Please complete the 2025 survey, to help guide us in making improvements and planning events for the future.


Follow Batavia Township on Instagram

Batavia Township is excited to announce that we now have an Instagram account for residents to better connect with the Township.

For those who aren’t aware, Instagram is a photo and video sharing app. With an account, users can follow accounts they like and be notified when a new post is up. By following Batavia Township, residents will be notified of timely happenings and events, and what's happening in the Township.


2025 Junk Days

When: Thursday, April 24th to Saturday, April 26th
8:00 am-2:00 pm
Where: Dumpsters will be locatedat 2401 Old State Route 32 behind our maintenance building and the CJFED fire station.

Contact Brianna for questions or availability at 513-732-3888 ext. 7


Picnic Shelter Reservations

Do you have a Family Reunion, Graduation, or Birthday Party planned for 2025?

The Batavia Township Community Park is now accepting reservations for 2025 for the 2 picnic shelters. Shelter 1 (pictured) is closest to the front of the park. Shelter 2 is located at the back of the park. Rental of Shelters is only for Batavia Village or Batavia Township Residents. Rentals are for the entire day at $40 and $60 each.


Forward the completed Rental Form to the Township Office at admin@bataviatownship.org. Staff will call for payment to secure the date requested by the resident. Other payments can be made in person during regular office hours.

Contact Brianna for questions or availability at 513-732-3888 ext. 7

Energy Aggregation Changes - Electric

The Batavia Township Electric Energy Aggregation is changing from Energy Harbor to Dynegy. Affected residents will receive a letter in the mail noting the changes. We never come to your door. Your electric bill will be the same, just a different name on the line for the electric costs. All the services, rates, and billing will remain the same. The current rate is $0.0686 per kWh, and this rate is locked through July 2025.

Please visit our website for the most up-to-date information: https://bataviatownship.org/aggregation.html

Parks and Events Committee Meeting (MAR 18) 5:00 PM
Parks and Events Committee Meeting (APR 22) 5:00 PM

Township Calendar & Information